September 2014


Chewing gum definitely isn’t for everybody. I know a lot of folks who are downright against it. If you do like chewing gum, it’s likely that you have a certain leaning. Just like the cell phone industry can be divided into Apple, Android, and Windows Phone, gum can be divided into minty, fruity, and bubble gum. I’ve


While I don’t drink coffee, I’m so grateful for the odd “let’s meet for coffee” from a friend. Today I sat in the sun and chatted with this old friend. Isn’t it wonderful when you can go years without seeing a person, then just pick up right where you left off?


You may notice that what I’m holding in this picture isn’t actually a Strawberry Cream Pie. This is because I didn’t have one, and I didn’t have all the necessary ingredients. I did have some ingredients though, so I threw them all into the blender with some Ice Cream and BAM! Strawberry Cream Pie Shake.


Pancakes are delicious take me back to my childhood. I’ll never be able to eat a pancake without thinking of my Gran and I doubt I’ll ever have a pancake that measures up. She would put the pancake in front of us already buttered and cut, then we’d add our own syrup. It was something about