
I have a lot of things. Chocolate Chip Cookies are one of them. I made countless batches for friends when I was in high school, and every Christmas the neighbors get a plate. My Gran has a fantastic recipe that I use when I’m home and have access to a legit kitchen.


Chewing gum definitely isn’t for everybody. I know a lot of folks who are downright against it. If you do like chewing gum, it’s likely that you have a certain leaning. Just like the cell phone industry can be divided into Apple, Android, and Windows Phone, gum can be divided into minty, fruity, and bubble gum. I’ve


While I don’t drink coffee, I’m so grateful for the odd “let’s meet for coffee” from a friend. Today I sat in the sun and chatted with this old friend. Isn’t it wonderful when you can go years without seeing a person, then just pick up right where you left off?


You may notice that what I’m holding in this picture isn’t actually a Strawberry Cream Pie. This is because I didn’t have one, and I didn’t have all the necessary ingredients. I did have some ingredients though, so I threw them all into the blender with some Ice Cream and BAM! Strawberry Cream Pie Shake.