I celebrated today by watching the PBS Documentary Lincoln@Gettysburg.
It is only 1 hour long, and it is very well done. It covered the importance of the telegraph as a tool for Lincoln to win the war, the battle of Gettysburg, and the Gettysburg address.
What a wonderful and powerful man Abraham Lincoln was. He moved mountains. Even 150 years after his death, we are still celebrating his birth.
One of my favorite quotes from the documentary:
“Four Score and Seven Years Ago…
The people who were paying attention might have scratched their heads and said, “wait a minute, I’m doing the math. That’s not 1787. That’s 1776. The Declaration of Independence.”
What’s the difference between the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution? The Constitution condones slavery. The Declaration of Independence talked about everyone being created equal, and liberty. So, he was pressing what we would call a reset button, saying that the country didn’t start in 1787. It started in 1776.”
This documentary is available via the link above, or on Netflix.
Read the Gettysburg Address Here.
What’s Tomorrow?
February 13
- National Tortellini Day
- National Blame Someone Else Day (Always First Friday The 13th of The Year