I think it’s a common misunderstanding that Singles Awareness day is A) the same day as Valentine’s Day, and B) a bad thing.
It’s neither.
Yesterday was Valentine’s Day. It is a day to celebrate love and romance. Today is Singles Awareness Day. It’s a day to appreciate the joys of being single, and acknowledge the fact that we might prefer to be in a relationship, but it’s ok that we aren’t.
Part of my Singles Awareness was starting a DIY building project that I’ve been looking forward to for a few weeks. I made the plan, got the supplies, and started working. It’s something I want to do, and I don’t have any other family obligations preventing me from doing so. I’m also typing this post at 2:13am. Because I can.
There are a lot of things we miss out on not being in a relationship, but there are also some great perks. Take a moment every now and then to appreciate those perks. It helps during the lonely times.
Single person perks:
- Job offers are decided by me. I don’t have to weigh anyone else’s opinions or needs.
- All my money goes to me. No diapers or extra mouths to feed.
- My time is my own. I can plan my week or be completely spontaneous, but I don’t have to answer to anybody.
- Freedom
What’s Tomorrow?
February 16
- National Almond Day
- National do a Grouch a Favor Day
- President’s Day – Third Monday in February