April 2015


I’ve still got family in town, so we were all excited to celebrate Garlic Day. Italian food it is! Here is a picture of me holding some of the tastiest garlic bread I’ve ever had. We went to Carmines on the Upper West Side at 91st and Broadway. It was a long wait, so we


Today was absolutely insane and I couldn’t find animal crackers anywhere. So I made a fish out of Cheez-Its. Also. Here’s a video. What’s Tomorrow? April 19th National Hang Out Day National Oklahoma City Bombing Commemoration Day National Garlic Day National Amaretto Day


Today was fantastic. My sister and brother in law are in town and it was a perfect time to head over to Ellis Island. What a place. We listened to an audio tour describing what it was like for the people as they came off the ships and were herded through the checkpoints before they


My roommate and I did a lot of apartment cleaning today as we got ready for our first house guests this weekend. High five for that. I’m a big fan of high fives. One of my favorite backstage traditions is giving high fives to the actors as they exit the stage after curtain call. I’ve


This is a shoutout to one of a Stage Manager’s most useful tools. Everything needs to be documented, but nothing is ever set in stone. I bought this little guy when I got my first SM gig in college. 7 years, 20+ shows, 5+ cities, and many mistakes later – it still looks mostly new.