
August 13th – International Left Handers Day


Look at this beautiful piece of art!

In celebration of Left Handers Day, I colored this picture with only the use of my left hand. I am not left handed, as I hope you could guess.

Also, just to make things slightly more difficult, these were the crayons I had to work with.


I felt like I’d struck the jackpot when I finally found a black crayon and it wasn’t broken and still had the paper on it.

I’ve got a lot of friends who are left handed. I’ve heard it said that a lefty is more creative. Maybe that would explain why so many of my friends from college and theatre fall into this group. For a while I thought it was almost 50/50 because of the people in my life, but Google said “studies suggest that 70–90% of the world population is right-handed.”

That’s a lot.

Shout out to all my left handed buddies.

What’s Tomorrow?

August 14


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