October 2015


I’m so lucky to be friends with these ladies. We’ve been through a lot together, and I’m excited for all that we’ll experience together in the future. Today I’m happy that Melanie keeps a bowl of candy corn in her apartment so I don’t have to go buy a bag of candy that I’d never finish.


Family Photo. What’s Tomorrow? October 30 National Candy Corn Day *National Speak Up For Service Day National Pharmacy Buyer Day – On Friday of Last Full Week in October National Breadstick Day – Last Friday in October National Frankenstien Day – Last Friday in October


It’s National Chocolate Day!!!! It was also the first rehearsal for this new show I’m working on and I was just too shy to invite everyone to be in the picture. Good thing this crazy lady knows all about these National Day Celebrations from the last show I worked on. She said, “I’ll take a picture with


To celebrate today I wore my navy blue sweatshirt. But that’s not really a big deal because I wear that sweatshirt most days. (See yesterday’s photo.) So I will also include this video from the reunion concert of In The Heights. This is a fantastic show written by Lin-Manuel Miranda – the same guy who wrote


Have you carved pumpkins for Halloween yet? I don’t have a porch to put a pumpkin, so I won’t carve one. I’d love to see yours though! What’s Tomorrow? October 27 National American Beer Day Navy Day