Daily Celebration


I went a different way with today’s celebration than I do most days. Because the majority of these National Days include some amount of junk food, I decided that today, Junk Food Day, I shouldn’t have any. So I didn’t have any processed foods, or candy, or chocolate. Go me. While I’ve loved celebrating every


Happy lollipop day ya’ll! This is what my sweet roommate brought me after I informed him what today’s celebration was. Perfect. You know those round or Mickey Mouse shaped lollipops that you always wanted as a kid? I got one of those once. In the end, I didn’t really like it as much because the


It is so hot in nyc right now. I really only survived today because there was AC at church and the theatre where we had our final performance today. As each actor arrived at the theatre, there was an exclamation of joy with the AC. I don’t have AC in my apartment. I’ve got a


Sometimes I wonder if this blog is just a game to see how many unflattering pictures of myself I can send out into the Interwebs. If it is, I’m winning. Or losing. I couldn’t find anywhere that had peach ice cream. So I went with Peach Milkshakes, which I think qualifies. We went out and