Office Supplies


This photo is from the Wikipedia page on ballpoint pens. I love it. Personally, I prefer fountain pens to ballpoint because they write smoother, but they are also much messier. I’ve had so many fountain pens explode in my bag that now I use ballpoints almost exclusively. Just because I feel like I have no


Even office supplies need to be celebrated. These things make our lives easier, don’t they? Paper Clip: a flat or nearly flat piece of metal that slides over an edge of a set of papers and holds the papers together without being bent or pinched by the user and without piercing the papers. The paper clip


This is a shoutout to one of a Stage Manager’s most useful tools. Everything needs to be documented, but nothing is ever set in stone. I bought this little guy when I got my first SM gig in college. 7 years, 20+ shows, 5+ cities, and many mistakes later – it still looks mostly new.