

For ‘Just Because’ Day, I put together this little word cloud. Standing in front of a wall full of words, these are the ones that jumped out at me. As I look at this combination of words, I picture the way my life would be if I focused more on these than some others that


Poetry night! I love having friends that are willing to go along with this. This style of poem was invented by Edmund Clerihew Bently. “A clerihew is a whimsical, four-line biographical poem.” Read about the rules of a clerihew on NationalDayCalendar.com. Here are our poems: Michelle Obama! That woman tried to sell me a llama. But I


Another poetry day. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to go to a poetry reading like I did back on October 17th. So today we are going to read a poem I found the website 100 Best Poems. There are some good ones here, and you should check them out. I did, and this is the one I


I’ve been a fan of spoken word poetry for a while now, but haven’t lived somewhere that actually had events I could attend. YouTube has a lot to offer, but I’ve been wanting to experience new poets and be in the room. Today was my chance. Sarah Kay is my favorite poet. When I was planning