I took this photo of the park just after 7pm in excitement that the sun was just setting. I’m from Utah, and I always loved the time of day when the valley is in shadow but the sun is still hitting the mountains. The same thing happens in New York, it’s just with the buildings instead. Pretty.
I celebrated the return of Daylight Savings by walking home instead of taking the train. There are so many things to love about New York, and depending on the day I could go on about any one of them. Today, I’ll go on about walking. I love walking around this city.
Whether it’s to clear my head, get more exercis
So I turned on my music and started walking. I generally prefer walking in the winter, and Daylight Savings reminds me that winter will be coming to an end soon. It’s been long and gross, but spring is right around the corner.
My walking playlist today – Winter 2015 Mix
[spotify id=”spotify:user:125270774:playlist:4Oa6XINr6Iv3WsCAD79wZb” width=”300″ height=”380″ /]
What’s Tomorrow?
March 9
- National Barbie Day
- National Crabmeat Day
- National Meatball Day
- National Get Over it Day
- National Napping Day – Day after Return of Daylight Savings Day
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