This is an Oregon Ducks pin featuring Mr. Donald himself. My friend Tali (who has been seen quite a bit here on the blog) is from Oregon. She is moving to California this week, so today involved going to her apartment and seeing if there was anything I wanted to take from the “I don’t have room to pack this” pile.
Not sure why the pin was in that pile. It sure doesn’t take up very much room. But it works great for today’s celebration. I will be adding it to my growing collection of pins on my cork board. This will be my 4th.
To help you celebrate today, I’ve included this video. It’s about moving day and getting all of your stuff packed. How appropriate.
Who knew plungers could be so difficult?!
I’m sad Tali’s leaving. Of all my friends, she has been the most excited about celebrating National Days with me. She’s also been the most available. It’s likely that you’ll see a lot more solo pictures over the next few weeks.
Tali is also un
You betcha I’ll take advantage of her living there when it’s 8 degrees in New York and I can’t remember the last time I saw the sun.
What’s Tomorrow?
June 10th
- National Ballpoint Pen Day
- National Iced Tea Day
- National Black Cow Day
- National Herbs and Spices Day