September 2015


I love pudding! I returned to the same recipe I used last year on this day because I remembered loving it. And pudding is so easy to make and way more delicious. Creamy Butterscotch Pudding Recipe My favorite thing is eating the pudding while it’s still warm. I definitely didn’t 1/2 this recipe. Yum. What’s


I walked in to a restaurant on my way home from rehearsal and ordered a cheeseburger. I did not know what I was getting myself in to. I was at Jackson Hole Burgers on 85th Street. And they are famous for their 7oz burgers. This is the biggest I’ve ever eaten. Just like the Double


Watch this video for a quick brushup. I’m not a big fan of politics, but I watched The West Wing and it taught me a lot about what happens in Washington and how laws are made. And how impossible it seems to get anything done. I also recently saw Hamilton on Broadway, and learned a


Toasted up this tasty bread in the newest addition to my kitchen. I’ve been living without a toaster since I moved to New York 3 years ago. That part of my life is history. You may also notice that I got a haircut today. The barber and I didn’t really understand each other very well


Today is also National Double Cheeseburger Day. I remember celebrating this last year. I was in Cleveland and I had the bar downstairs make me one. It was really good, but I didn’t eat red meat for like 6 months after that. I’ve had hamburgers since, but not a double. Just the way I felt