
If I was home in Utah, I would have a picture with a poinsettia right now. I’m still in nyc for 9 more days though, so poinsettia Christmas ornament will have to do. We had 2 shows today. In between, we ate authentic Chinese Food and decorated the Green Room for Christmas. Also, poinsettia ornament. Today


Flashback to the last time I saw these mountains and these three kiddlets 4 months ago. Only 10 more days until our Christmas adventure begins!! Seriously. Every time I go home I’m blown away again by how beautiful those mountains are. What’s Tomorrow? December 12 National Ambrosia Day National Ding-a-Ling Day Gingerbread House Day Poinsettia


  It’s nice to have a place to take goodies on these National Days. That’s something you take for granted when you work in an office. When I’m not on a show I’m just working from home and my only coworker is me. Fortunately for me, these people will be my coworkers for the next


Kicking it off right with one of my favorite holiday movies. There are a lot of reasons to love this one, but the fact that Tim Allen reminds me so much of my own Dad is probably the most contributing factor. He doesn’t say St. Nicholas in this clip, but I had to post it


Cookie picture amidst opening night festivities. What’s Tomorrow? December 5 National Sacher Torte Day AFL-CIO Day Bathtub Party Day International Ninja Day Photo Photo International Volunteer Day for Economic & Social Development* National Rhubarb Vodka Day* – First Saturday in December Skywarn Recognition Day – First Saturday in December