

I made a little chocolate custard today. Ya I did! I’ve never had chocolate custard before so I don’t know how mine compares, but I think I did a pretty good job. I think maybe I got it out of the oven too early, or out of the fridge too soon because it was a


I’m a little late in posting this photo because my family went home yesterday and I fell asleep so fast. This picture is before I melted the chocolate and dipped the cashews. When I posted chocolate covered raisins that I dipped, I was told it looked gross. So today you get the before picture instead


Dessert after tonight’s Easter Dinner – delicious caramel brownies. My brother in law Sam and I made them. The little boy just wanted to be in the pictures. (Cute.) We went through the effort of sifting out the nuts, and I think it was worth it. Sam made the swirlingness that make these look so


I am in California for a family wedding, which has been awesome, but it’s also been really busy. I knew I wouldn’t have time tonight, so I went this morning to a little cafe in Irvine and got some Chocolate Mousse. This was from Champagne Bakery. It was super rich, but very delicious. The evening


Unfortunately, my grocery store does not sell chocolate covered raisins. So I had to make my own. I just melted some chocolate chips, dipped two smooshed together raisins. A few minutes in the fridge and they were good to go. They were actually really good. A lot messier than any other chocolate covered raisins I’ve