

Not the greatest picture, but I’m just glad I remembered to pause the movie and take a picture before the pizza was devoured. The pizza tonight came from Bad Horse Pizza. The garlic knots were nothing to write home about, but the pizza was fantastic. A little pricier than I usually go for, but worth it.


This is literally the only piece of green clothing that I own. How is that possible? Happy St. Patrick’s Day! What’s Tomorrow? March 18 National Awkward Moments Day National Oatmeal Cookie Day National Sloppy Joe Day National Biodiesel Day National Supreme Sacrifice Day National Kick Butts Day – Changes Annually National Ag Day – Changes Annually


I wasn’t really sure where to go with today. I’m not even positive what this day means. I decided to write a post on something that I once thought, but am now realizing is wrong. You may not have noticed from the lack of any significant other in these posts, but I am very single. And


Isn’t this the most flattering picture of all time. I went to brunch today with 2 lovely people and celebrated National Pig Day with delicious breakfast food that I enjoyed very very much. We went to Manhattan Diner on 96th Street. Bless my dear vegetarian friend that took this photo. She didn’t even make me


This picture is blurry, but my phone was dying so this is all I have to offer today. #fail I went to a show tonight with my friend Tali, and we had these chocolate covered almonds for a pre show snack. My favorite part was how much chocolate there was compared to the size of