

My Gran made amazing banana bread. Today I tried out her recipe for the first time. It makes a lot, so we actually made 3 different loaves. 2 of them had chocolate chips. Yum. Here is the recipe: We had 1 real pan and 2 tinfoil pans. The real pan turned out the best, in


Yay Cherry Pie! This is not quite the season for Cherry Pie, so the places you’d go for a freshly made pie weren’t offering cherry. We ended up going to Moonstruck Diner. It wasn’t the greatest pie in the world. It was diner pie. But there was plenty of seating available, the price was reasonable,


We live in a world of instant messages and digital conversations. Wouldn’t it be nice to get a handwritten note from a friend every now and then? It’s not a birthday, holiday, invitation, or thank you card. It’s just a note. Just because. Just for you. What’s Tomorrow? February 8 National Boy Scouts day National


I had my housewarming party tonight. In 2014 I worked like a crazy person and squirreled away as much money as I could. My singular goal was getting out of my old apartment and creating a place I could call home in this amazing but hectic and stressful city. I found it. I moved in


I feel lucky most of the time that I’m in rehearsal. As far as jobs go, I think I’ve got a really fun one. I work as a Stage Manager in theatre. I’m in charge of keeping rehearsals on time and productive, and facilitating communication between the director, actors, and designers during the rehearsal process.