
October 12th – National Free Thought Day and Clergy Appreciation Day

“This day occurs on the anniversary of the effective end of the Salem Witch trials on October 12, 1692. On this day, Massachusetts Governor William Phips wrote a letter condemning the use of spectral evidence against the accused.” –

I find the Salem Witch trials so interesting. That so many innocent people were put to death solely by the word of other people is astounding to me. I enjoy the idea of Free Thought Day. The day to celebrate being a free thinker. Acknowledging that we all have different ideas, beliefs, and ways of doing things.

I saw this post on Twitter a few days ago, and feel that it fits with this quite nicely.

One thing that’s always been hard for me is doing something exactly the way everybody else does. I prefer doing something my own way. If it gets us to the same place in the end, what does it matter?

Today was also Clergy Appreciation Day. I was able to spend some quality time listening to my local church leaders, as well as a General Authority. I admit that I don’t necessarily feel this way everywhere, but I appreciate that my congregation here in New York is full of opinionated and thoughtful people.

We are all different, and we all have our own unique flaws, but we are all trying our best. We’re all in this together, so maybe we should stop trying to hard to bring each other down all the time.

I like that these two things landed on the same day. It is possible to have strong faith in religion and be a free thinker. I’m an example of that.

What’s Tomorrow?

October 13th:


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