
It’s a crazy life. I’m on a constant job hunt for work that doesn’t pay all that well, but requires me to live in the most expensive cities in the world. I say goodbye to friends and coworkers just when we are really starting to settle into a groove. The hours are ridiculous. I work


This Monday our schools will be out for Columbus Day to celebrate the man who discovered the Americas. Today is National Leif Erikson Day. Today celebrates the man who was here nearly 500 years before Columbus. While some believed that the colony he founded (Vinland) may have been near Boston, it seems to be more accurate


As it turns out, a frappe isn’t only a coffee drink. It can also be an Italian Pastry, a frozen fruit dessert, or a milkshake. I spent most of today in bed fighting a post show closing cold. It’s common among theatre artists to get sick after a show closes and all the stress and