
April 22nd – National Jelly Bean Day


This bag of Jelly Beans was so epically disappointing. Why are there so many yellows?? The yellows aren’t even good. Overall, it was not a successful jelly bean party.

Today is also National Earth Day.

To celebrate Earth Day, I walked everywhere I went. No bus or trains involved. The bus and trains ran anyway, even though I wasn’t on them, but it’s the thought that counts. I’ve been trying harder this past year to go green. I am recycling much more than throwing away, and I have a reusable bag so I don’t have to use plastic grocery bags. It may not be much, but if all of us make even a small effort, it could really make a big difference.

Maybe next year I’ll be able to do something awesome like plant a tree.

No problem Earth. I got you.

What’s Tomorrow?

April 23rd


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