August 2015


I fell asleep last night and forgot to post this. Oops. Sonic Drive In to the rescue again. We picked up this little treat on the way to a museum in downtown Texas. It was pretty good, although I would have loved more hot fudge. I think it’s interesting that a classic Banana Split is


We woke up early today and went out to breakfast! This is a big deal because even when I’m not on vacation I sleep in pretty late. We went to The Magnolia Pancake Haus. This waffle was delicious. I think the syrup is just as important as the waffle itself, and the syrup at this


I’m having fun in Texas! To Ride With The Wind today, we went on a Sunday evening ride around the property and neighborhood on the dirt bike and 4-wheeler. The Texas vibe is a huge shift from New York City and I’m enjoying it. I like the pace, how friendly everyone is, and this big


I’m still not really sure what Torte is. The closest I was able to get to Pecan Torte today was this Pecan Pie that I picked up from the grocery store. It was quit sugary and delicious. I also ate some candied pecans at a farmers market I went to this morning. There were actually several


This is a pic of me and my favorite ‘almost’ Senior Citizen. My Dad is great. He always drives me to the airport and I comes in with me to check in. And he is always there when I look up for one last look from the security line. I asked “what is your favorite