November 2015


Just a little recreation of this one. Also, I ate a lot of pickles today. Yum! What’s Tomorrow? November 15 National Bundt (Pan) Day National Philanthropy Day National Clean Out Your Refrigerator Day National Spicy Hermit Cookie Day National Raisin Bran Cereal Day America Recycles Day


I celebrated Indian Pudding Day yesterday. The promptly fell asleep. And woke up just in time to go to work for the day. So this one’s a day late. Last year on this day was my first experience with Indian Pudding. This year was my second, and my response is the same. I don’t think


Went in house today instead of a diner. Don’t regret it, but wish I’d had whipped cream. What’s Tomorrow? November 12 National Pizza with the Works Except Anchovies Day National Chicken Soup for the Soul Day


Do you say Happy Birthday to a branch of the armed forces? Is that a normal thing? I read a little bit about the Marine Corps on Wikipedia, because isn’t that the best place on the internet to read accurate information? I learned some interesting stuff. Marines have always seemed to moreĀ elite and proud than