
I don’t really understand the difference between what I ate today and what I’ve known as a macaroon my whole life (see below). I found this image, which helped a bit. I have had these before, but I don’t think I remembered how amazing they are. So much better than the coconut ones. I was


Maybe once I master the art of baking, I should move on to figuring out how to not kill plants. My sister gave me three adorable little plants for Christmas, but only the cactus is still alive. I’m pretty sure it’s still alive. I found this little flower in my friend’s building. At the entrance to


Even office supplies need to be celebrated. These things make our lives easier, don’t they? Paper Clip: a flat or nearly flat piece of metal that slides over an edge of a set of papers and holds the papers together without being bent or pinched by the user and without piercing the papers. The paper clip


There are plenty of places to get burgers in New York City. With my stomach acting up the way it has been these last few days, I wasn’t sure how I was going to handle it and I didn’t want to spend money on an expensive burger that I wouldn’t be able to eat. Also,


I am still feeling sick today. Turns out, grape popsicles are pretty perfect when you aren’t feeling well. I imagine I’ll be really happy to have these around as we finish out this week. NYC is hot and humid right now. I risked the train today to go to see Les Miserables. We bought the tickets weeks ago and I