
Some lovely roommate bonding time after being apart for the longest time (4 days) since we met each other (2 months ago). Oh sweet reunion. I’ve never made crepes before, so there was a learning curve. I had the heat WAY too high at first (No fire alarm. Surprisingly.) but once I got it to


I only set the fire alarm off once while making this ravioli today. So…progress? Surprise surprise, this was the first time I’d ever made ravioli at home. I usually just stick to regular noodles, then order ravioli when I go out for Italian. So, I bought some frozen cheese ravioli and pasta sauce. Easy and


This delicious Cadbury chocolate helped me get through some intense situations during my first viewing of Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. (My first time watching these movies. They are so good.) Here. Enjoy this Caramello commercial from my youth. What’s Tomorrow? March 20 National Ravioli Day National Native HIV/AIDS Awareness Day