
Today I read about the term Lame Duck. I think it’s an interesting term for those politicians who have come to the end of their term. Reading about the origins of the term was my favorite part. It was first used in the 18th century at the London Stock Exchange when a stockbroker defaulted on


It is a day to celebrate the people who scientifically try to tell us what is going to happen with the weather. When they get it right we say it’s easy. When they get it wrong, we can get harsh. I mean, last week was supposed to be the Blizzard of the century in NYC,


I celebrated today by leaving a little gift for my Mailman. Thanks for delivering bills, junk mail, and the occasional card. What’s Tomorrow? February 5 National Weatherperson’s Day *National Shower with  a Friend Day*


I picked up this carrot cake from the deli on my way to rehearsal. What a nice little snack midway through the evening. For me, carrot cake is all about the frosting. What’s Tomorrow? February 4 National Thank a Mailman Day National Create a Vacuum day


This video is insane, and kind of changes everything I feel about the movie. Phil predicted 6 more weeks of winter for us this year. I’m not sure I trust the little guy or not, but he is super cute. What’s Tomorrow? February 3 National the Day the Music Died Day National Carrot Cake Day