Daily Celebration


So, I don’t drink beer. This show I’m Stage Managing right now? It’s a “boozy” show, which means the audience around us is drinking and getting free drinks from us when they participate in the show. We open this week and are in tech rehearsals right now. Here is a lovely photo of the cast


Celebrated today by whipping up some Aunt Jemima pancakes. I’ll admit that my pancake making skills are sometimes lacking, but every now and then I get in a groove. Today was one of those days. Have you ever noticed how in cartoons they make it look so easy to eat a huge stack of pancakes?


I listened to Spotify’s One Hit Wonders 90s Playlist on my long walk home tonight. I was already feeling a little angsty, so some 90s music was just what my mood was looking for. I mean, a song that starts with, “I hate the world today…” Perfect. lol. If you look at the playlist in


What’s Tomorrow? September 25 National One-Hit Wonder Day National Comic Book Day National Tune-Up Day* National Research Administrator Day* Math Storytelling Day National Lobster Day (One time resolution)