Daily Celebration


I consider myself an animal person and a cat lover. I fostered a little demon cat for 3 months and we ended up being best buddies. This is Zia. My roommate recently adopted her, and we are just not getting along. Getting this picture of her was ridiculous. Let’s just settle for this silhouette. We


Poetry night! I love having friends that are willing to go along with this. This style of poem was invented by Edmund Clerihew Bently. “A clerihew is a whimsical, four-line biographical poem.” Read about the rules of a clerihew on NationalDayCalendar.com. Here are our poems: Michelle Obama! That woman tried to sell me a llama. But I


Just a little late night baking. Like I do. I chose a recipe from TasteOfHome.com because it dates back to a Swedish woman born in 1877. It didn’t disappoint! Sugar Cookies Recipe My baking and confidence in the kitchen has improved significantly since I started this adventure almost a year ago. Incredibly, it wasn’t until


Amanda and I went to the movies tonight and partook of this as our treat. I’d never had this before, but really like it. I prefer this Snickers with Almonds over the classic Snickers. We saw the movie Inside Out. It is delightful and everyone should see it. Here is a video to make up


The closest I could get today was a Strawberry Shake. I had the ice cream and strawberries, but they were frozen. So I had to mix them together. I’d also like to point out that awesome cup. Part of our 4th of July activities on Saturday involved a Pizza place in Brooklyn. I was obsessed