

I picked up this carrot cake from the deli on my way to rehearsal. What a nice little snack midway through the evening. For me, carrot cake is all about the frosting. What’s Tomorrow? February 4 National Thank a Mailman Day National Create a Vacuum day


This video is insane, and kind of changes everything I feel about the movie. Phil predicted 6 more weeks of winter for us this year. I’m not sure I trust the little guy or not, but he is super cute. What’s Tomorrow? February 3 National the Day the Music Died Day National Carrot Cake Day


As I went throughout my day, I thought about those who struggled and fought so hard for the freedoms that I enjoy every day. Those freedoms that I often take for granted. I always welcome a reminder of these blessings and my duty to continue to fight for freedom and equality for all people. This