

If you Google “What is an ice cream sundae?” The results will be many wonderful photos of ice cream and the explanation that it’s any ice cream with toppings. My neighborhood diner does not have a sundae on the menu, but they whipped this up for me anyway. I like New York. What’s Tomorrow? November 12


Today is National Scrapple Day. This is something that I was just not going to be able to accomplish. Instead, I decided to check out my other options. Along with the each National Day, National Day Calendar also provides National Weeks and National Months. Dear Santa Letter Week is Nov 7 – 13th. I guess


We learn so much from our parents. Whether it’s through good or bad example, we learn about the person we want to become through these people who are learning as they go too. They are just little farther along. I have a great dad that raised 4 girls. Here’s a list of 10 things he taught me.


This is a weirdly specific day. Right? I’m not sure where I was to find Bittersweet Chocolate. The closest I could get was Dark Chocolate. Really dark. The darkest. A Godiva Dark Chocolate With Almonds bar to be precise. Tonight I went to a play with these lovely ladies. We became acquainted, laughed, talked passionately about