

Magnolia Bakery makes another appearance! I spent last October 18th at Magnolia for the same reason I was there today. The proximity to my church. It’s convenient AND delicious! It was crazy in there and tourists kept cutting in front of me and it was like 48 degrees outside and I only had a sweater.


Ya it is! Today was a fun one. It actually lined up perfectly because today was my Super’s birthday. The plan was that these cookies were for him. I really should have only made 1/2 the recipe. I delivered to my Super. He loved them. Then I took a bunch with me to my show


Each show I work on has the day when I explain this blog situation. Three weeks in to rehearsals of Dracula, it finally happened. During a break I shyly asked, “does anybody want to celebrate National White Chocolate Day with me?” Obviously they were down. This is part of the cast and our Producer/Co-Director in


This is my kinda day! Look at this lovely scene. Sitting outside under an umbrella on a rainy Saturday night in Harlem. I was nearby, so I went over to Harlem Shake. This is a shoutout to my good friend Tali, who loves this place a lot more than I do. As usual, they took