

This is a picture of me with Gran’s hand pinching my face next to a picture in an article of Grandma baking. I didn’t get to know either of my Grandpas very well, but both of my Grandmas were a very big part of my life. Grandma, my dad’s mom, lived 2 hours North of


I won’t lie and say I’m a fan, but I did it. I had a bologna sandwich with mayo and mustard. My Grandma used to make me bologna sandwiches when I would stay with her up in Idaho. During the summer, we got to spend a week at Grandma’s house all by ourselves. She made


Chewing gum definitely isn’t for everybody. I know a lot of folks who are downright against it. If you do like chewing gum, it’s likely that you have a certain leaning. Just like the cell phone industry can be divided into Apple, Android, and Windows Phone, gum can be divided into minty, fruity, and bubble gum. I’ve