Pretentious Pinky


I’m ashamed to admit that I am staying in Utah with my sister, where we have access to mountains within 15 minutes and a fire pit in the back yard, but I made this S’more in the microwave. It just happens. I live my life with the intention of living large and doing great things


I don’t really understand the difference between what I ate today and what I’ve known as a macaroon my whole life (see below). I found this image, which helped a bit. I have had these before, but I don’t think I remembered how amazing they are. So much better than the coconut ones. I was


  It is an important distinction that today is not August 10th, but rather the 30th. Unfortunately, both of these celebrations landed on days when I don’t have access to fire. This isn’t unusual though, because I live in an apartment so I never have access to fire. BONUS PICTURE: This happened after I’d eaten