

The desert exploring continued when I went out with my friend and her daughter to find blackberries. We never found the berries, but we did get a nice view of a volcano. This part of Southern Utah is very interesting to me. There are places of flat desert, canyons of red stone, and fields of volcanic


What a beautifully cathartic day. Not only does cleaning my desktop help me to feel more organized, but it also helps my computer to run better. Before: After: This new background photo is a lot busier than the one I had before. I’m not sure if I’ll get used to it or not, but I’ve always


Long days standing backstage, walking miles all over New York City, wearing uncomfortable dress shoes, or no shoes at all in hot sand or pokey grass. They’ve been sunburned and zebra striped. I’ve had blisters the size of quarters. The first time I worked the Macy’s Parade, I couldn’t get to sleep that night because


Things that are surprisingly difficult: Taking a picture of a handshake that you are a part of. Too bad this day didn’t fall on a Sunday. I love shaking hands with people, but I do it most often at church. Here is a video of me and my dad shaking hands with people in Vanuatu.


I wasn’t really sure where to go with today. I’m not even positive what this day means. I decided to write a post on something that I once thought, but am now realizing is wrong. You may not have noticed from the lack of any significant other in these posts, but I am very single. And