
June 12th – Peanut Butter Cookies Day


I was so incredibly hot when I finished baking these cookies. I live in an apartment in Harlem without AC. The high today was in the 80’s, which doesn’t sound too bad, but I’m pretty sure my kitchen got a lot warmer than 84 degrees.

I used this recipe that I found on

Peanut Butter Cookies by Christine

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As you can see, my cookies do not look like the delicious peanut butter cookies that we all know and love. I knew it wasn’t going well when my cough was still pretty runny. I assume that in the halfing of all ingredients that I just do in my head, I accidentally put in too much butter. Also, it’s hard to half 1 egg. That may have also been a contributing factor.

Taste level is about 5 of 10. Texture is 4 of 10. Oh well. You can’t win em all.

This is probably a really good recipe but I just botched it.

I blame the heat.

What’s Tomorrow?

June 13th


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