
October 1st – National Homemade Cookies Day


Ya it is! Today was a fun one. It actually lined up perfectly because today was my Super’s birthday. The plan was that these cookies were for him. I really should have only made 1/2 the recipe.

I delivered to my Super. He loved them.

Then I took a bunch with me to my show tonight. They were a hit.

I still have a ton left over. What’s the point in having a roommate if they won’t even eat the leftover cookies that you leave on the counter?

I wanted to make my Gran’s recipe, but I couldn’t find it in time. I went with one I found online, and it didn’t disappoint.

Best Chocolate Chip Cookies

Screen Shot 2015-10-02 at 1.24.12 AM

These cookies really did turn out great. They were soft and flavorful, and just gooey enough. I used dark brown sugar. What is the difference from light brown sugar besides the color? Let me know if you have an answer to this.

What’s Tomorrow?

October 2


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