
I can admit it. I love Social Media. It’s a part of my daily life. I use different accounts for different things. Facebook is for keeping in touch with family, friends, and coworkers. I just love that there are people I am closer to now than I ever was in High School. Tonight I’m especially grateful


I take a lot of pictures and videos, but I shy away from calling myself a photographer. There are people out there who take great pride in that title. I do enjoy taking pictures and just love how easy it is these days. We can have the nicest camera, but if it isn’t with us


This is a throwback photo from 2008 when I went on a trip to Oregon with my college roommates. I love these people. I love that they are still my best friends all these years later. I celebrated today by watching the awesome Paul Bunyan cartoon: It really bugs me that Paul doesn’t win the


It is so rainy and gross today in New York. We definitely did not need these sunglasses. We took this photo in front of the Seinfeld pop up attraction where Hulu has rebuilt Jerry’s old apartment. We didn’t go in though, because lines. And rain. What’s Tomorrow? June 28th National Paul Bunyan Day National Insurance Awareness Day


This little blog is a source of pride for me. I don’t have a lot of readers, but I like to think that those who do read it enjoy it (or you wouldn’t be coming back). I try to avoid politics but I just can’t today because I’m happy. Two days ago I was feeling down about the