
June 30th – Social Media Day


I can admit it. I love Social Media. It’s a part of my daily life.

I use different accounts for different things.

Facebook is for keeping in touch with family, friends, and coworkers. I just love that there are people I am closer to now than I ever was in High School. Tonight I’m especially grateful for Facebook helping to keep me in contact with my extended family.

Twitter is mostly for strangers. I follow people in theatre, tech, travel, and normal every day life. I interact daily and am friends with people on Twitter that I’ve never met in real life. Twitter is my go to for solving issues with almost any company, chatting with people about awards shows/entertainment, and if I need advice on a certain topic. It’s all about the hashtag.

I’m not super active on Instagram, but I do share all of my National Day photos there. So my friends and family that don’t read this blog (which is pretty much all of them) see what I’m celebrating.

I also use Snapchat to see what’s going on in NYC.

To celebrate, I’m sharing my favorite thing on Social Media today. I was laughing out loud on the train today as I read responses to this tweet.

I’m so happy Twitter exists.

What do you think about Social Media? Is it good? Bad? A waste of time?

Hey, follow me on Twitter @lizprobackstage!

What’s Tomorrow?

July 1st


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