
The adventures of the small town girls in the big city continue. Beverage day is a little fun. I really only drink water and milk, because I’m so healthy (poor). So when we went out today, I made a decision to order something other than just water. We were at a Diner on 57th and


Two of my cousins traveled across the country for the sole purpose of visiting me! Oh ya, and also to see this amazing city I live in. New York, you are awesome. So, I know Cinco de Mayo really requires some awesome Mexican food, but we were busy playing tourists and didn’t want to deal with how


When I woke up this morning, I was not much of a Star Wars fan because I had not seen the movies. I had seen parts of the newer ones, but I didn’t remember them or know what was going on. So today was quite the Star Wars Day. It all began with visiting Good Morning America.


I made a little chocolate custard today. Ya I did! I’ve never had chocolate custard before so I don’t know how mine compares, but I think I did a pretty good job. I think maybe I got it out of the oven too early, or out of the fridge too soon because it was a


As part of the celebrations for the 150th Anniversary, the New York City Fire Department opened their stations to the public. While I do have a lot more interaction with the NYPD than Firefighters, these men and women are a part of daily life here in New York. They run directly in to danger when