

I started off today’s celebration by using the clock radio in my apartment to wake me up. Instead of a beeping alarm, I woke up to country music. The morning was so much less stressful as I lay in bed listening to the morning show while I gradually willed myself awake. It took me back


  I skated over to Mitchell’s. I’d never been before, which is surprising considering their reputation for the best place to get ice cream. Turns out, you can’t get a slice. So I bought a whole Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup Pie. Then.. I PUT A WHOLE ICE CREAM PIE IN MY BACKPACK. It was totally


    This one was harder to do because it landed on a Sunday (I try not to go shopping on Sundays), but I decided to go for it. Most thrift stores were closed so this open one was kind of a trek. As I walked, my mind wandered to buying a cheap bike for


  “This is to honor the nation’s airborne forces of the Armed Forces. August 16, 1940 marks the date of the first official Army parachute jump.” I celebrated at the International Women’s Air and Space Museum where I was inspired by stories of the women who followed their dreams when everybody around them said it