Daily Celebration


I am such a sucker for reflection pictures. It’s also impossible for me to not take a picture when I walk past this view each night. Autumnal Equinox. To figure out how to celebrate, I googled it. Wikihow came to the rescue. “How to Celebrate Autumn Equinox.” I decided to go with suggestions 5, 6,


Each show I work on has the day when I explain this blog situation. Three weeks in to rehearsals of Dracula, it finally happened. During a break I shyly asked, “does anybody want to celebrate National White Chocolate Day with me?” Obviously they were down. This is part of the cast and our Producer/Co-Director in


Sometimes it’s nice to not bake the cookies. What’s Tomorrow? September 22 National Centenarian’s Day National White Chocolate Day AKC Responsible Dog Ownership Day American Business Women’s Day Car Free Day Dear Diary Day Elephant Appreciation Day Hobbit Day National Ice Cream Cone Day International Day of Radiant Peace National Woman Road Warrior Day – Fourth Tuesday


Wife appreciation day is a day to celebrate women who are married but don’t have children. A response of sorts to Mother’s Day. Well, I’m not a wife and I don’t have a wife so I don’t really consider myself qualified for such a celebration other than to wish all of you wonderful ladies a happy


I love pudding! I returned to the same recipe I used last year on this day because I remembered loving it. And pudding is so easy to make and way more delicious. Creamy Butterscotch Pudding Recipe My favorite thing is eating the pudding while it’s still warm. I definitely didn’t 1/2 this recipe. Yum. What’s