Daily Celebration


I was not able to make Vanilla Pudding from scratch because I was on a rooftop on Lexington Avenue. Looking at this: Then this: I found a recipe for Vanilla pudding that I could try when I got home. Unfortunately, as stocked as my kitchen is these days, I don’t have corn starch. A trip to


I never really buy lottery tickets. So, today was going to be the day that I bought a lottery ticket and became a millionaire. I didn’t win. Shocker. To be honest though, if I had won I wouldn’t have told anybody. I have a whole plan for what I’ll do when I win the lottery,


Today’s adventure was not all smooth sailing. First problem: I FORGOT TO DIVIDE THE RECIPE IN HALF. Seriously, there was so much batter. It was too much for my bowl, and my mixer, and my kitchen was a disaster area. Today taught me that I should probably get an apron. It would have come in