Daily Celebration


This bag of Jelly Beans was so epically disappointing. Why are there so many yellows?? The yellows aren’t even good. Overall, it was not a successful jelly bean party. Today is also National Earth Day. To celebrate Earth Day, I walked everywhere I went. No bus or trains involved. The bus and trains ran anyway,


I’m a little late in posting this photo because my family went home yesterday and I fell asleep so fast. This picture is before I melted the chocolate and dipped the cashews. When I posted chocolate covered raisins that I dipped, I was told it looked gross. So today you get the before picture instead


Look what I made! I had some help from my brother in law with this today. We were planning on going out, but I didn’t want to be up in to the middle of the night baking. So this afternoon, we mixed it all together and stuck it in the refrigerator. Once we got home


I’ve still got family in town, so we were all excited to celebrate Garlic Day. Italian food it is! Here is a picture of me holding some of the tastiest garlic bread I’ve ever had. We went to Carmines on the Upper West Side at 91st and Broadway. It was a long wait, so we


Today was fantastic. My sister and brother in law are in town and it was a perfect time to head over to Ellis Island. What a place. We listened to an audio tour describing what it was like for the people as they came off the ships and were herded through the checkpoints before they