

  This may not look like much, but this comforting refuge from the mayhem of New York City has changed my life. There is something about having a place to recharge, feel safe, and call mine. After moving around from place to place for so many years, I am in full on nesting mode now. There


Look at these two tired people eating apples. Let me tell ya. Today was also National Day With(out) Art Day. I was at the theatre for 14 hours for rehearsal today. My day was full of art, and it was a good day. I’ve been going back and forth over the past few years on my


Today was absolutely insane and I couldn’t find animal crackers anywhere. So I made a fish out of Cheez-Its. Also. Here’s a video. What’s Tomorrow? April 19th National Hang Out Day National Oklahoma City Bombing Commemoration Day National Garlic Day National Amaretto Day


This year I rang in the new year with my little sister, her husband, and the new baby. I don’t really get out much to party on New Year’s Eve. That’s never really been of interest to me. I do, however, enjoy contemplating the last year and how much has happened. I started off the


I’m gonna be honest when I say I really don’t know the difference between baking soda and baking powder. I’ve been cooking a lot more these past few months and many recipes call for one or both of these ingredients. No idea what they do. So it was nice to take a moment today to