
This was a tough one. All the people. Just…so many people. I met my friend for lunch in midtown, than walked down Park Avenue to the theatre, to go to work. I love this city. I really do. But I also hate it. Because so many people. Still, I managed to put in my headphones


It was my day off from the theater so I had some time for an actual walk. This walk took me North through Harlem. It wasn’t a super peaceful walk for the first several blocks, but then things calmed down a little bit. This is a statue of Harriet Tubman. I haven’t had the opportunity


I’m only a few days away from arriving to Bree and meeting up with Strider. We are making progress! It was a bit more slow going this week because I was viciously attacked by allergies. Our fellowship will encounter attacks from trolls, Nazgul, and Orcs. My attacks on this journey will be more tame. It


I’m still spending a lot of time downtown. Today I had a few hours break in the afternoon for a walk. I’ve been pretty obsessed with Vespas lately. I’m trying to figure out how to make owning one a reality. So I visited a dealer t0 see them up close and personal, as well as ask