
Favorite photo of the walk. Most of today’s walk was spent debating on whether I should start talking about this on the blog. The answer is yes, so here we are. NYC is pretty cold and rainy today, so the walk was fantastic. I basically had Central Park to myself. Listening To: Winter 2016 Playlist


Hot cocoa was pretty unnecessary today. New York was a balmy 65 degrees! I’ve been wearing a winter coat for a few weeks now, but it’s mostly just out of habit. I don’t need it, and by the time I get where I’m going I’m just hot and sweaty. So I let this cool off


If I was home in Utah, I would have a picture with a poinsettia right now. I’m still in nyc for 9 more days though, so poinsettia Christmas ornament will have to do. We had 2 shows today. In between, we ate authentic Chinese Food and decorated the Green Room for Christmas. Also, poinsettia ornament. Today


  It’s nice to have a place to take goodies on these National Days. That’s something you take for granted when you work in an office. When I’m not on a show I’m just working from home and my only coworker is me. Fortunately for me, these people will be my coworkers for the next