
  This may not look like much, but this comforting refuge from the mayhem of New York City has changed my life. There is something about having a place to recharge, feel safe, and call mine. After moving around from place to place for so many years, I am in full on nesting mode now. There


Look at these two tired people eating apples. Let me tell ya. Today was also National Day With(out) Art Day. I was at the theatre for 14 hours for rehearsal today. My day was full of art, and it was a good day. I’ve been going back and forth over the past few years on my


As I celebrated at the Parade this year. I thought about the people I have chosen to surround myself with. And I’m thankful for how I met them and what has kept us together and how we work to stay in each other’s lives. My first Thanksgiving in the city (3 years ago), I had


Again. I live in Manhattan. I do live across the street from Central Park so I could have gone for a “hike” in there somewhere, but as with most days, I had to work this activity around my rather hectic schedule. So my version of a hike today was getting off the train 20 blocks


Well. I live in Manhattan and don’t have a car, so a drive thru was not an option today. I went with the nyc equivalent of fast food, which is delivery. Let’s be honest though, delivery is actually the option that takes the longest. Things that are faster than ordering delivery: $1 Pizza. Walking to