

Given the choice, I’ll always choose chocolate. So it’s good that these celebrations and this blog encourage me to make and try things that aren’t chocolate. I found today’s recipe on Chewy Butterscotch Brownies I cut the recipe in half because I still don’t own a 13×9 pan. I could have used the other


I made a little chocolate custard today. Ya I did! I’ve never had chocolate custard before so I don’t know how mine compares, but I think I did a pretty good job. I think maybe I got it out of the oven too early, or out of the fridge too soon because it was a


Look what I made! I had some help from my brother in law with this today. We were planning on going out, but I didn’t want to be up in to the middle of the night baking. So this afternoon, we mixed it all together and stuck it in the refrigerator. Once we got home


Peach Cobbler in the crock pot? Yes I did. I originally got really excited that I had all ingredients necessary for this, but then I realized that the canned peaches I thought I had were actually pears. Sigh. So, a trip to the grocery store later and here we are. I divided everything in half


I made a lemon chiffon cake day today! It is tasty and I had fun. I’ve added a few things to my kitchen since the last time I baked something. A wooden spoon, 2 rubber spatulas, and a hand mixer. All of these things were used today and it made everything SO MUCH EASIER. Getting