
September 2nd – National Another Look Unlimited Day

What does that mean? It’s interesting. In the spirit of living green, it encourages you to take another look at the things in your house that you don’t use.

“We all have a lot of “things” that we don’t really need and instead of them collecting dust in our homes, we can reuse/up-cycle them and/or donate them to someone/some place that could make better use of them. Today is about finding another use for the items we no longer want, instead of just trashing them.  Another Look Unlimited Day is a national holiday that is also dedicated to lessening the load of our landfills and our impact on the earth.” – National Day Calendar 

I am currently working an out of town gig, so I don’t have a lot of belongings with me. But, I did buy an old t-shirt last month on Thrift Store Day. Also, I didn’t bring a reusable grocery bag with me when I came out, and have been feeling sad about how many grocery bags I’ve been using. This day is the answer!

So, I’m going to do this.

It’s taking a t-shirt and turning it into a tote bag.

I guess technically I didn’t complete the project today, but I did take a second look a the small amount of belongings I have here. I found a way to up-cycle a t-shirt and limit my environmental impact by not using plastic bags anymore.

This is the t-shirt now. I’ll post the final product when it’s completed.




I completed the project this morning! It took less than 15 minutes! I’m excited to upcycle my first shirt AND make the Green choice of not using plastic bags. Go Team.



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