
September 4th – National Newspaper Carrier Day


For the first time in my life, I went to the store and bought a newspaper. I put it under my arm and carried it back to work feeling very grown up. I read about local news that I would have missed otherwise, because I don’t follow any Cleveland News on Twitter and I haven’t had time at all to watch the news since I’ve been here.

The way we get our “news” is changing and controversial. It’s fast and global, but does this mean that we are missing out on things effecting us locally? I’ve made a conscious effort in New York to watch the evening news and feel more connected to my community. Today was a good reminder that I need to stick with this.

I had a paper route for three years in high school. That job taught me so much about discipline and hard work. It’s because of that paper route that I hate rain so much, and I love snow. Every time it snowed, I got to see the neighborhood before any footprints or tire tracks. When I remember that I woke up at 5:00am every day for 3 years, I think…”I can do anything.”

I also listened to Newsies.

“Sometimes all it takes is a voice, one voice that becomes a hundred, then a thousand, unless it’s silenced.” – Bryan Denton (Newsies)


Cost of today’s celebration: $1



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