
One of my reasons for movingĀ out of my old apartment was so that I could get a cat. My cat adoption plans have been put on hold however, while I foster this little terror named Xena. If you knew her, you’d be amazed that she let me take this picture. It’s actually the first time


I have three awesome sisters. This photo was taken last weekend at the wedding, which is lucky because we are usually only all together once a year at Christmas. I love my sisters a lot. We talk to each other every day, and they are always the first ones I go to when I need


I’ve always been so impressed by Winston Churchill. He is someone whose life you can look back on and say that it made a difference. It really mattered in the history of the world. I’ve been looking at my life lately and wondering what I’m doing and what kind of difference I am making. I’ll


A few weeks ago I learned how to make empanadas at a church dinner. I filled them and folded them and felt pretty cool about myself. Today was not a day to set off my fire alarm though, so I decided to leave it to the professionals. Fortunately, I found an empanada place that is


Today is another travel day. My trip has come to an end, and I’m heading back to New York. Fortunately, I was still able to celebrate Coffee Cake Day in the Denver airport. I’m pretty proud of myself for that. This was my first experience with coffee cake. Yum! I can only imagine how tasty